Best produce cleaning methods.

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While rinsing fresh produce with water has long been the traditional method of cleaning fruits and veggies before consumption. The current pandemic has many people wondering whether that’s enough to really clean them.

Some people have advocated the use of soap, vinegar, lemon juice, or even commercial cleaners like bleach as an added measure สมัคร ufabet

However, health and food safety experts, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), strongly urge consumers not to take this advice and stick with plain water.

Using such substances may pose further health dangers, and they’re unnecessary to remove the most harmful residues from produce. Ingesting commercial cleaning chemicals like bleach can be lethal and should never be used to clean food.

Furthermore, substances like lemon juice, vinegar. And produce washes have not been shown to be any more effective at cleaning produce than plain water. And may even leave additional deposits on food.

While some research has suggested that using neutral electrolyzed water. Or a baking soda bath can be even more effective at removing certain substances. The consensus continues to be that cool tap water is sufficient in most cases

The best way to wash fresh produce before eating it is with cool water. Using other substances is largely unnecessary. Plus they’re often not as effective as water and gentle friction. Commercial cleaners should never be used on food.